October 22, 2007

Dream On!

Dream ON…

They say, young people tend to have a lot of dreams in life. Frequently, you would hear them mentioning their dreams as if it is so easy for them to attain those things. They believe, living life is so simple and fair enough to reach what they want. Like magic they believe that on a single click of their hand, they can make things happen easily.

Funny, but “Yes” I had that same way of thinking before. Indeed, I realized that it is not that easy to live life. I was able to understand that attaining things that you are dreaming for so long could be so difficult. Dream on!

Basically, I realized things when I started to work here in Manila. I won’t deny the fact that my perceptions and beliefs in life were changed as I started to rely on my own feet. Leaving life could be difficult. I used to live with my family yet suddenly, everything was changed.

I just woke up one day and realized that I need to stand alone and surpass all the trials all by myself. Numb and empty………

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