I was trying to finish the book entitled " The Five People You meet in Heaven" earlier by Mitch Albom.. Then, i found an inspirational line that i would like to share to all of you...
Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves...
This is a wonderful belief that we could apply in ourlives. Life is too short to live with hatred in our hearts..
November 10, 2010
Thoughts To Ponder
July 27, 2009
Photoshoot @ Luneta
We realized that it's too early to watch a movie. So, we decided to enjoy the park and take some pictures.
We roam around and saw a lot of Koreans enjoying the place. We posed, took some pictures and considered ourselves a tourist like Koreans. hahahaha.
My cousin Roniel I guess is enjoying to pose like "Jun Pyo". Really, he is a good subject...."--"
Another Shot!

Another Shot...
May 20, 2009
Health and Fitness
I failed to update this blog constantly, but let me give you an update what are the things that makes me busy lately.
Yeah, am busy working on something yet am not earning or getting any pay for it. Well, financially I may not get something but Physically it would make a significant change.
A goal to be physically FIT makes me busy lately.I am spending most of my free time at the gym nowadays. I usually work out like for 2-3 hours..at first, I felt so bored to stay at the gym for such a long time.But, as I started to gain friends, time is no longer an issue..Thanks to ate Lynn, her funny jokes makes me laugh out loud always... shes so funny....wahahhaa....
Loosing weight is not an easy goal....But sometimes we need include it on our lifestyle though it requires time and determination. Looking at my body full of sweat makes me feel great, seeing my hair scattering after an intense cardio makes me smile..and It makes me think,seating at work and sleeping at my bed the whole day would not make me sweat this way.
August 29, 2008
10 Reasons to be happy :)
1. God makes me strong and complete.
Life is wonderful to live if you have him in your heart
2. Praying
It leads me back to the real essence of life.
3. My family
My inspiration, my shelter
4. IBM
It is my Bread and butter
5. Priceless and true friends
I am blessed to have them in my life
6. Taking funny and memorable photos
I love Photography and Nature
7. Food
Its keeping me alive and healthy :) no doubt
8. Music
Makes me relax and calm
9. Watching Movies
It is one of my hobbies, I even dare watching movies alone :)
10. Sleeping
For a long period of time, like 12 hours? :) good enough
July 21, 2008
Green Day @Lucena
June 5, 2008
Letting Go
I can't believe that I let myself rationally disturbed and absurd lately...
Until now, I keep on denying to myself that I am affected, that I am stupid and worst of all that I am hopeless...
My friends always said that i am an "Idealistic" type of person. That things that aren't right must not be tolerated and everything in this world is just a matter of choice.
I won't deny the fact that lately this belief is no longer applicable for me. Perhaps, things aren't the same the way it used to be. I let things happend out of my control although I know from the start that there is something wrong and I must stop it early before things turn to bleeding love.
Love is out of my control. I learned to love the guy that could never be mine...
I let my self drown and hanging.....
Eventually, I got my price. I end up wounded and part of me is missing. Simply, I cut myself open.
April 2, 2008
Team Dinner @ Saisaki
Last year, i promised to upload new photos to differentiate my weight..well then, here I am..these were taken last week March 28, 2008.
By the way, this is Kiki.. my cutie and sweetie buddy..A friend who won't turn you down :)